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All the practices and products of
Divine Interventions are considered
Complementary/Alternative/Holistic Health Care,
and should in no way and at no time be used as a
substitute for medical care from your own physicians.
Rev. Chris Oldham,
Westminster, MD,
US & Worldwide via Phone or Skype

    Essence Listing I

    On this page:

  • "Love" Essences
  • "I AM" Essences
  • Emotional Balance & Release
  • Spiritual Protection Essences

I AM Centered
Angel Remliel,
Angel of Awakening

Connects us to Divine
Source Guidance and
centers us in our Soul
core. Brings us into
awareness of our
Truth at all levels of
our Being.
I AM Grateful
Angel Ooniemme,
Angel of Gratitude

Infuses us with the
energies and properties of
Gratitude, helping us to
express heartfelt gratitude
in even the most painful of
It is a Love energy, and the
final step in the process of
I AM Forgiving
Angel Stamera,
Angel of Forgiveness

Helps us to release deeply
held pain, fear, anger and
judgements—of ourselves
or others; to Let Go of
thoughts, beliefs, things
and relationships that are
out of alignment with the
current phase of our own
Divine Plan.

I AM Surrendering
Angel Zacharael (Surrender);
Angel Metatron (Mind)

Our deep-seated ego fear of the
unknown and unknowable is a
strong hindrance to our ability to
surrender completely to the
workings of the Divine Mind and
Divine Will, which always work in
favor of our Highest Good and
Soul’s desires. This essence helps
dissolve these ego fears, and
facilitates the surrender that is
needed for our desires to manifest.

I AM Prosperous
Angel Fortunata,
Angel of Prosperity

Installs patterns and
programs aligned with
prosperity at all levels of
our Being; gently creates
natural responses
consistent with a
prosperous life. Leads to
discovery and release of
conflicting elements.

I AM Powerful
Angel Sandalphon,
Angel of Divine Power &

Raises awareness of, and
connection to, the true,
incredible Divine Power &
resources that exist at our
core, and come from
Divine Source.
Helps us to own this
power and tap into it.

I AM Awesome!
Angel Ramaela (Joy);
Archangel Chamuel (Love)

This is my favorite! It sings
with self-love and appreciation,
confidence, strength and being
unstoppable. This is great anytime,
but especially when you are coming
into things like job interviews,
presentations, leadership, having
faith in your own abilities.
NEW!  Feelin' Groovy!
Archangel Uriel (Crown Chakra);
Angel Micah (Divine Plan);
Angel Ramaela (Joy)
An Angelic Energy Shot! This essence Immediately shifts you out of
whatever rut or doldrum you're in, bringing you Divine energy, Light,
inspiration, positivity, confidence and direction. It is an
powerful essence, which may cause a healing crisis if your rut is really deep
and long-standing.
Opening to Receive should be used with it!
Letting Go
Angel Stamera (Forgiveness);
Angel Zacharael (Surrender):

Helps us to release our
attachments to those things which
are not ours to carry or deal with;
like other people’s problems and
choices, or doing so much on a
continuous basis that you are the I
Love Myself essence!
Healing from Grief/Loss
Archangel Chamuel (Love);
Angel Remiel (Mercy):

Helps bring emotional healing in the
aftermath of catastrophic losses—
deaths, divorce, physical trauma,
financial and natural disasters, severe
accidents; any event that forever
changes the landscape of our lives,
forcing upon us a new reality. Brings us
into balance with that new reality.
Release stress and anxiety
Angel Kaeylarae (Peace);
Angel Metatron (Mind/Ego):

Shuts down and releases
continuous thought loops about
things we are unsure of or
concerned about, and have a
vested interest in. Fosters a sense
of calm and peace. Pairs well with
Divine Grace essence.
Financial Inflow Blocks
Angel Jamaerah (Manifestation);
Angel Fortunata (Prosperity)

Clears and heals blocks--at all
levels of our being, to manifesting
and receiving large amounts of
financial inflow, which meets and
exceeds our needs, in alignment
with the Soul Path. Releases
limiting beliefs about money.
What no longer Serves
Angel Sandalphon (Power);
Angel Uzziel (Faith):

Surrenders attachments to beliefs,
wounds, and behaviors that no longer
serve you, and to which you are giving
away your power.
Detaching from Fear
Angel Cerviel (Courage);
Angel Ananchel (Grace):

Releasing our attachments to
fearful thoughts, beliefs and
emotions that are coming up for
Choose the fear you wish to
detach from, either before or right
after using the essence--or let the
angels guide the essence
Guide to Services
The Love Essences--Archangel Chamuel
The acceptance of our own Divine Power and destiny is completely tied into
love and acceptance of our true and glorious selves.
I Love Myself

Promotes self-love, acceptance and appreciation of your
own gifts, talents, and authentic identity.

Self-love is a cornerstone of the ascension process.
I Love My Body

Addresses both body-image issues and physical infirmity,
helping us love our bodies, no matter what shape they are
in, or how well they are working!
Can aid in healing and weight-loss.

I Love All That Is

Develops a deeper
appreciation of the Divine currents running through the
events and situations in our lives, and the understanding
that all is serving our Highest Good, regardless of outward

This is another ascension cornerstone.

Opening to Receive
The inability to receive is a major block
to abundance and Love!
This essence works to clear blocks to receiving Divine
Love & Light throughout all PEEMS levels of your
system! Facilitates Divine flow throughout your matrix.

Perfect to pair with "Feelin' Groovy!",
in the Balance & Release section!
The "I AM" Essences
This series of essences brings you into vibrational alignment and resonance with specific qualities of spirit and energy.
They also help to dissolve and release things that may be hindering this alignment and connection.
Order your
Love Essences Here:

$20/bottle includes
processing & shipping in
mainland US.
For off-shore and
international  orders, use
yellow box at bottom of
Love Essence Choices
$20/bottle includes shipping &
processing in mainland US.
For off-shore/international  
orders, use yellow box at
bottom of page
I AM Essence Choices
Off-shore and International orders
must be placed here!
The Emotional Balance & Release Essences
This series is devoted to achieving and maintaining emotional balance,
as well as facilitating the emotional releases that help us move into harmony, acceptance and peace.
Each of these is focused on a specific aspect of protection, clearing and support. There are many things
that come to us in the course of the day, most of which we invite with our own vibrational state.
I recommend having all of these on hand, and using them!
Michael’s Clear & Shield
Archangel Michael

Works to clear negative and
low-vibrational energies in our
bodies, light bodies and spaces.
Also calls in Michael's protection.
Can be used as a spray for
clearing before client sessions.
Lady Master Nada (6th Ray),
Angel Nisroc (Freedom)

Helps us establish strong personal
and spiritual boundaries, aiding in
the release of victimhood at those
levels. Provides additional
buffering of harsh and toxic
energies for empaths and HSP's
Violet Flame
Archangel Zadkiel (Prayer),
Ascended Master St. Germaine

One of the greatest tools for spiritual
freedom, brought to us by St.Germaine,
is the Violet Flame of transmutation
--transmuting negative energies into
positive ones. The angels have made
possible this infusion of all the energies
and properties of the Violet Flame!! May
be used with or without decrees.
Cancel the Invitation
Archangel Michael

There are many ways in which
spiritual parasites (entities) gain
access to our bio-fields; one of
the least recognized is what I call
“self-invites”.  Often, they leave a
code or program in the energy
fields which creates a signal that
acts just like a
free-will invitation, allowing
them through our shields. This
essence cancels these
Pineal Health/Protection
Angel Iofiel (Beauty and

This gland is directly connected to
the Crown and Third-eye chakras.
Over time, this gland can become
damaged or corrupted at the
physical and spiritual levels. In that
state, it can become a gateway for
entity attachments. This essence
works to restore your Pineal Gland
to its Highest and Best State of
structure and function.
Energetic Immunity
Archangel Michael (Protection);
Archangel Raphael (Healing)

Promotes physical, mental and emotional
health by neutralizing harmful and toxic
energies entering our biofields, and pulls
them out of our light-body envelope.
This includes energies coming through
cords of attachment, open portals, ego
response to these energetic triggers,
electronics and our environment.
for healers, to prevent energetic
crossover from clients.
This is a blend of essences chosen by the Angels, to promote protection, grounding, releasing low-vibe
associations, opening to and owning your own Light & Power. It contains all of the Spiritual Protection essences,
Plus a few more.
Perfect blend for personal use or spraying to clear spaces.
Balance & Release Essences
$20/bottle includes processing &
shipping in mainland US.

For off-shore/international  orders,
use yellow box at bottom of page
Balance & Release Essences
Order your
Spiritual Protection Essences
$20/bottle includes processing &
in mainland US.
For off-shore/international  
orders, use yellow box at
bottom of page
Spiritual Protection Essences
For off-shore and use
this yellow box!
These are 1 oz. sealed
infused with
and Light.
Cider vinegar is
the preservative agent.
Card attached describes
what the essence does.