Copyright Divine Interventions 2015 All rights reserved. Web Hosting by Yahoo! |
Disclaimer: All the practices and products of Divine Interventions are considered Complementary/Alternative/Holistic Health Care, and should in no way and at no time be used as a substitute for medical care from your own physicians. |
Rev. Chris Oldham, Westminster, MD, US & Worldwide via Phone or Skype |
On this page:
Guide to Services |
The Love Essences--Archangel Chamuel The acceptance of our own Divine Power and destiny is completely tied into love and acceptance of our true and glorious selves. |
The "I AM" Essences This series of essences brings you into vibrational alignment and resonance with specific qualities of spirit and energy. They also help to dissolve and release things that may be hindering this alignment and connection. |
The Emotional Balance & Release Essences This series is devoted to achieving and maintaining emotional balance, as well as facilitating the emotional releases that help us move into harmony, acceptance and peace. |
Each of these is focused on a specific aspect of protection, clearing and support. There are many things that come to us in the course of the day, most of which we invite with our own vibrational state. I recommend having all of these on hand, and using them! |
For off-shore and use this yellow box! <---------- |
These are 1 oz. sealed infused with and Light. Cider vinegar is the preservative agent. Card attached describes what the essence does. |